About US

Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to heal hearts and raise up world changers.

Our Vision is to train, equip, and bring healing; body, soul, and spirit.

We want people to experience abundant, overflowing, unexpected life to the full (John 10:10), by:

*experiencing personal freedom through transformed beliefs
*understanding identity and purpose
*unearthing dreams, revealing creativity, infusing joy
*walking in physical and emotional health

It is only through transformed people that we can transform our cities and nation.

Board of Directors

Marti Dietrick

Marti Dietrick


Richard Neusch

Richard Neusch

Senior Pastor, True Life Fellowship, Round Rock TX

Anna Maher

Anna Maher

Anna Maher, Associate Leader Kingdom Life, San Antonio TX

our Facility

Our facility is available for rent. Contact us for more information.

Inside The Hub
Outside the Hub
The Hub Classroom

Future Healing Home vision

John G. Lake had healing homes in Spokane WA in the early 1900’s and it became known as the healthiest city in the US. People came for one month to receive teaching and prayer for healing.

Our property consists of 4 acres and we would like to see 2 acres used for cottages where the sick would stay during a period of time while they receive teaching and ministry.

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