Few people ever get to see the real you.

I was asked to lead a group of women in devotions. I had not met any of them before so for the first meeting I showed up in Crazy Marti party mode. I shared with them that this is a rare side of me that only close personal friends ever see. I knew that the first impression would never leave them and that they would always have this picture of me in their heads. The point of the message is that there are so many different facets of God that we have never seen or experienced and we tend to approach Him on the basis of the aspects that we have experienced.

  • What aspects of your character do you keep hidden away?
  • Do you feel you won’t be accepted if people see this side of you?
  • What facets of God’s personality have you experienced? (savior, provider, protector…)

Studies show that your brain only sees what it expects to see or maybe what it has been trained to see. It will take intentionality on our part to see things differently than what we have experienced in the past.

Maybe there is a new facet of His character that He is wanting to reveal to you during this season. What might that be?

What are you struggling with during this season? What is your greatest need? If it is finances, look up scripture about God being provider. Instead of seeing it as a need that you are waiting for God to fill, thank Him that He is revealing Himself in a new way today that you have never experienced before.

The Scripture says we are made in God’s image. He has deposited a unique facet of His personality to shine through you that no one else carries. Do you know what that is and do you value it for the gift that it is?