Communion, an intimate exchange extravagant price, extravagant love

What did Jesus pay for?

NT saved=sozo (saved, healed, delivered…body, soul, spirit)

Are you asking God to do something He
already provided on Calvary? EVERYTHING we would EVER need was provided on the

2 Peter 1:3-4 [Passion] Everything we could ever need for life and godliness has already been deposited in us by his divine power. For all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience of knowing him who has called us by name and invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness. 4 As a result of this, he
has given you magnificent promises that are beyond all price, so that through the power of these tremendous promises we can experience partnership with the divine nature, by which you have escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world.

You received salvation by faith,
have you received healing by faith? The juice is for forgiveness of sins but the bread is for our

Isaiah 53: 4-6 Yet he was the one who carried our sicknesses and endured the torment of our sufferings.
We viewed him as one who was being punished for something he himself had done,
as one who was struck down by God and brought low.
5 But it was because of our rebellious deeds that he was pierced and because of our sins that he was crushed.
He endured the punishment that made us completely whole, and in his wounding we found our healing.
6 Like wayward sheep, we have all wandered astray.
Each of us has turned from God’s paths and chosen our own way;
even so, Yahweh right laid[the guilt of our every sin upon him.

Jesus didn’t just die for you
He died AS you! Communion is not contemplating our sins
but contemplating everything that Jesus did on our behalf.

I Corinthians 11:23 I have handed down to you what came to me by direct revelation from the Lord himself. The same night in which he was handed over, he took bread 24 and gave thanks. Then he distributed it to the disciples and said, “Take it and eat your
fill. It is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember
me.” 25 He did the same with the cup of wine after supper and said, “This cup seals the new covenant with my blood. Drink it—and whenever you drink this, do it to remember me.”
26 Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are retelling the story, proclaiming our Lord’s death until he comes. 27 For this reason, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in the wrong spirit will be guilty of dishonoring the body and blood of the Lord. 28 So let each individual first evaluate his own attitude and only then eat the bread and drink the cup. 29 For continually eating and drinking with a wrong spirit will bring judgment upon yourself by not recognizing the body. 30 This insensitivity is why many of you are weak, chronically ill, and some even dying.

The cross was the GREAT EXHANGE our sin=His righteousness
He measured up=we never could
old nature=a brand new creation never before seen

So what do you look like now?